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πŸŒΏπŸƒ A Short Nature Trail with kids πŸ‘£πŸ‘£

India is full of beautiful hill stations from North to South, and West to East. Each destination has its own beauty. 

Walking through the nature, through the calm woods, may not excite all. But still if you get to trek or simply walk, someday, try it once. It's truly relaxing. 

On return trip from Mahabaleshwar recently, I asked my daughter, "What was the best part of the trip?"

"Walking through the jungle to find the hidden river!!!", came her instant reply. And, when I asked myself the same question, I had no better answer. 

The summer heat of May doesn't see fuller rivers and splashing waterfalls, but still we thought of visiting Lingmala's waterfall in Mahabaleshwar. On reaching the entry point, we were told there were about 200 steps to reach down there. There were few visitors only. So, with kids, initially we were apprehensive to climb down. Because usually, the kids climb on you when you are climbing up back. 
So, started a small nature walk among untouched natural trees, left and right through old and wide steps. As we continued, it became more silent, with only sounds of chirping birds, swaying leaves, and moving bushes.


 We met few visitors, coming back up, with neutral faces. 

"There's not much down there, still you may go... "

Our moods were not dimmed by their reviews. We continued further. 

Kids were so happy, excited, and talking, "What if a lion comes out from the jungle? What will we do?"

"See some sound is coming from the bushes!!!"

"Mamma, is there a hidden river, really?"

So, just walking downhill, over a carpet of dry leaves, in search of something was exciting. It's good to be exhilarated like kids sometimes.

We went to the left fork of waterfall, as we had little kids with us. (Right trail was bit longer, maybe next time.)

And finally, the faint waterfall sound touched our eardrums. And there it was, behind the thick green cover, in 15 steps. 

Crossing the small and large rocks over red sand, under a thick green canopy, we reached the waterfall. It was so calm there, only 5-6 more people. The sight and sound of waterfall, however small it was, made everything around so serene and tranquil. 

All images- Copyright © 2022,

All images- CopyrightⒸ 2022 .

Just sitting there on a large rock, besides the quaint waterfall, instilled a fresh energy, and I thought why the people climbing up back were not so happy seeing it? 

It's human nature. Humans want more, always. I don't know, how much fuller it becomes after monsoons. Even if its beauty is enhanced by thousand times, the charm of finding its this hidden, smaller form was also a delight. Beholding its sight, after an hour, we bid adieu to the charming small cascade. During the trail back, I wanted to thank the government and people for letting the nature flourish, undisturbed and untouched.

Metropolitan lives have made our minds run like marathons. For a rejuvenating break, do take time out for a nature trail. India offers some of the best nature treks, chose yours, small or large doesn't matter. Be it in Himalayas, Aravallis, Sahyadris or anywhere. The point is to discover a soothing happiness

in serenity...

in every gift of nature... 

without comparing their beauties.

Love thy Beautiful Nature, Oh! Creator!!! 


  1. Nice,πŸ‘
    D words r very well threadedπŸ‘Œ
    Hope you enjoyed d trip of mahableshwar.....

  2. Traveling is always rejuvenating

  3. U brought back childhood memories...


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