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Story 1- "Home Sweet Home"

Mamma- The Storywriter (1)

                                                                       "HOME SWEET HOME"

     Krishna, a 7-year old boy,  lived with his parents in a beautiful home near pond. Two fishes, Neel and Neeli, lived in the pond and became his best friends. One day, Neel and Neeli got sick. Krishna brought them home in a glass bowl. He took great care of his fish friends. They got healthy in few days but looked sad. They told Krishna, "You all keep your homes neat and clean. Why do you make our home dirty? People come for picnic and throw plastic bottles, waste and wrappers in the pond. Many of our friends are sick and many have died." Krishna and his parents were sad to hear this. With the help of neighbours, they formed a small team. Pond water was cleaned. New trees were planted. Dustbins were placed at many places. Tiny frogs, ducks and ducklings, little fish, Neel and Neeli were happy and smiling. They all said, "Thank you for giving us back our HOME SWEET HOME."

Message: Whole world is our home. We should keep it clean and healthy.

* " Cleanliness is next to Godliness "- a famous idiom.


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